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Package CommandLine


package  Core
package  Infrastructure
package  Text


class  BadFormatConversionError
 Models an error generated when a value conversion fails. More...
class  BadFormatTokenError
 Models an error generated when an invalid token is detected. More...
class  BadVerbSelectedError
 Models an error generated when an unknown verb is detected. More...
class  Error
 Base type of all errors. More...
class  HelpRequestedError
 Models an error generated when a user explicit requests help. More...
class  HelpVerbRequestedError
 Models an error generated when a user explicit requests help in verb commands scenario. More...
class  MissingRequiredOptionError
 Models an error generated when a required option is required. More...
class  MissingValueOptionError
 Models an error generated when an option lacks its value. More...
class  MutuallyExclusiveSetError
 Models an error generated when a an option from another set is defined. More...
class  NamedError
 Base type of all erros with name information. More...
class  NameInfo
 Models name information, used in CommandLine.Error instances. More...
class  NoVerbSelectedError
 Models an error generated when no verb is selected. More...
class  NullInstance
 Models a null result when constructing a ParserResult{T} in a faling verbs scenario. More...
class  OptionAttribute
 Models an option specification. More...
class  Parser
 Provides methods to parse command line arguments. More...
class  ParserExtensions
 Defines generic overloads for CommandLine.Parser.ParseArguments(string[],Type[]).
class  ParserResult
class  ParserResult< T >
 Models a parser result. It contains an instance of type T with parsed values and a sequence of CommandLine.Error. More...
class  ParserSettings
 Provides settings for CommandLine.Parser. Once consumed cannot be reused. More...
class  SequenceOutOfRangeError
 Models an error generated when a sequence value lacks elements. More...
class  TokenError
 Base type of all errors related to bad token detection. More...
class  UnknownOptionError
 Models an error generated when an unknown option is detected. More...
class  ValueAttribute
 Models an value specification, or better how to handle values not bound to options. More...
class  VerbAttribute
 Models a verb command specification. More...


enum  ErrorType {
  ErrorType.BadFormatTokenError, ErrorType.MissingValueOptionError, ErrorType.UnknownOptionError, ErrorType.MissingRequiredOptionError,
  ErrorType.MutuallyExclusiveSetError, ErrorType.BadFormatConversionError, ErrorType.SequenceOutOfRangeError, ErrorType.NoVerbSelectedError,
  ErrorType.BadVerbSelectedError, ErrorType.HelpRequestedError, ErrorType.HelpVerbRequestedError
 Discriminator enumeration of CommandLine.Error derivates. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

Discriminator enumeration of CommandLine.Error derivates.


Value of CommandLine.BadFormatTokenError type.


Value of CommandLine.MissingValueOptionError type.


Value of CommandLine.UnknownOptionError type.


Value of CommandLine.MissingRequiredOptionError type.


Value of CommandLine.MutuallyExclusiveSetError type.


Value of CommandLine.BadFormatConversionError type.


Value of CommandLine.SequenceOutOfRangeError type.


Value of CommandLine.NoVerbSelectedError type.


Value of CommandLine.BadVerbSelectedError type.


Value of CommandLine.HelpRequestedError type.


Value of CommandLine.HelpVerbRequestedError type.