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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CAssemblyLicenseAttributeModels a multiline assembly license text.
 CAssemblyUsageAttributeModels a multiline assembly usage text.
 CCopyrightInfoModels the copyright part of an help text. You can assign it where you assign any System.String instance.
 CHeadingInfoModels the heading part of an help text. You can assign it where you assign any System.String instance.
 CHelpTextProvides means to format an help screen. You can assign it in place of a System.String instance.
 CMultilineTextAttributeProvides base properties for creating an attribute, used to define multiple lines of text.
 CSentenceBuilderExposes standard delegates to provide a mean to customize part of help screen generation. This type is consumed by CommandLine.Text.HelpText.
 CBadFormatConversionErrorModels an error generated when a value conversion fails.
 CBadFormatTokenErrorModels an error generated when an invalid token is detected.
 CBadVerbSelectedErrorModels an error generated when an unknown verb is detected.
 CErrorBase type of all errors.
 CHelpRequestedErrorModels an error generated when a user explicit requests help.
 CHelpVerbRequestedErrorModels an error generated when a user explicit requests help in verb commands scenario.
 CMissingRequiredOptionErrorModels an error generated when a required option is required.
 CMissingValueOptionErrorModels an error generated when an option lacks its value.
 CMutuallyExclusiveSetErrorModels an error generated when a an option from another set is defined.
 CNamedErrorBase type of all erros with name information.
 CNameInfoModels name information, used in CommandLine.Error instances.
 CNoVerbSelectedErrorModels an error generated when no verb is selected.
 CNullInstanceModels a null result when constructing a ParserResult{T} in a faling verbs scenario.
 COptionAttributeModels an option specification.
 CParserProvides methods to parse command line arguments.
 CParserResult< T >Models a parser result. It contains an instance of type T with parsed values and a sequence of CommandLine.Error.
 CParserSettingsProvides settings for CommandLine.Parser. Once consumed cannot be reused.
 CSequenceOutOfRangeErrorModels an error generated when a sequence value lacks elements.
 CTokenErrorBase type of all errors related to bad token detection.
 CUnknownOptionErrorModels an error generated when an unknown option is detected.
 CValueAttributeModels an value specification, or better how to handle values not bound to options.
 CVerbAttributeModels a verb command specification.