Retroarch bezels / overlays tool

Overlays (or bezels) are images added “above” the emulator, to mask the black borders around the image.

This tool provides several utilities:

It works under Windows x64/ARM64, Linux x64/ARM64 and MacOS x64. You can build it for any platform supported by .Net 5 (it’s very easy).


Download the latest release


!!! BACKUP YOUR FILES BEFORE USING THIS TOOL !!! I have used it on my own files but I cannot guarantee that it will work on yours.

Get a list of possible actions using bezel-tools --help.
Get a detailed list of options for each action using bezel-tools [verb] --help.

Check overlays integrity

Checks that:

It assumes that rom config are named, and images are stored in the same folder as the overlay config.

Simple check:

bezel-tools check –overlays-config samples/retroarch/overlays –roms-config samples/retroarch/roms –output-debug debug/

Example of debug output from configuration:

from config

Example of debug output computed from transparency in image:

from config

Check and fix when possible:

bezel-tools check –overlays-config samples/retroarch/overlays –roms-config samples/retroarch/roms –autofix –input-overlay-path /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch/overlay/ –template-overlay templates/overlay.cfg –template-rom templates/game.cfg

Generate overlays from images

Generates overlay and rom configs based on the position of the screen transparent area, and the file name.

bezel-tools generate –images samples/images –roms-configs samples/roms –template-overlay templates/overlay.cfg –template-rom templates/game.cfg

Convert MAME bezels to RetroArch overlays

Scans a folder containing MAME bezel files (it can scan zip files), and converts the content to a Retroarch overlay.

It can also read apply offsets stored in MAME configs.

bezel-tools mtr –source path/to/mame/zips –output-roms output/roms –output-overlays output/overlay –template-game templates/game.cfg –template-overlay templates/overlay.cfg

Convert RetroArch overlays to MAME bezels

Scans a folder containing Retroarch overlays and converts them to MAME bezels.

bezel-tools rtm –source-roms path/to/rom/files –source-configs path/to/config/files –output path/to/output –template templates/default.lay –zip

Common parameters for all actions